HOME/OFFICE Automation

Home automation  is building automation for a home, called a smart home or smart house. It is a system that will monitor and control home attributes such as lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and appliances. It may also include home security such as access control and alarm systems.


A home automation system connects controlled devices to a central smart home hub .The user interface for control of the system uses wall-mounted terminals, tablet or desktop computers, a mobile phone application, or a Web interface that may also be accessible off-site through the Internet. Home automation is the automatic control of electronic devices in your home. These devices are connected to the Internet, which allows them to be controlled remotely. With home automation, devices can trigger one another so you don’t have to control them manually via an app or voice assistant.

Alexa, turn on the lights! We don’t know about your home, but in our home, most things are automated; our lights turn on whenever we’re nearby, our coffee starts making itself in the morning, and our security system disarms whenever we’re almost home. For example, you can put your lights on schedules so that they turn off when you normally go to sleep, or you can have your thermostat turn the A/C up about an hour before you return to work so you don’t have to return to a stuffy house. Home automation makes life more convenient and can even save you money on heating, cooling and electricity bills. Home automation can also lead to greater safety with Internet of Things devices like security cameras and systems. But since home automation is a relatively new technology, some people may find it overwhelming. Here, we’re breaking down exactly what home automation is and how you can add some to your life.

Home automation works via a network of devices that are connected to the Internet through different communication protocols, i.e Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. Through electronic interfaces, the devices can be managed remotely through controllers, either a voice assistant like Alexa or Google Assistant or an app. Home automation works on three levels:

  • Control: Control means that the user can control these devices remotely, like panning a security camera to see more of a living space.
  • Monitoring: Monitoring means that users can check in on their devices remotely through an app. For example, someone could view their live feed from a smart security camera.
  • Automation: Finally, automation means setting up devices to trigger one another, like having a smart siren go off whenever an armed security camera detects motion.

Home Automation System Components

While some home automation systems require hubs, some mobile applications connect directly to a router, which connects directly to an IoT device.

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Remote Control

The home automation is remote control, which is done through either a mobile application or through a voice assistant.

  • Mobile Application: The mobile application allows users to control their devices in real-time, whether it’s shutting off the outdoor lights .The app is also where users set schedules, groups of IoT devices, and customize device settings, like having your living room lights set to the perfect shade of blue green.
  • Voice Assistants: With voice assistants, you can use your voice to control devices, whether that’s disarming a security system as you walk in the front door, showing your video doorbell’s footage on your Echo Show device, or setting a timer on a smart speaker while your hands are full of cooking utensils. Most IoT devices work with one of two voice assistants: Alexa, Google Assistant in India.

Cloud Computing with Home Automation

Rather than basing home automation systems off a dedicated IP address or high-end computer, many systems are based on a cloud, which is both more affordable and easier to use. In general, cloud computing is incredibly popular on the Internet.

Control Protocols

The way that IoT devices connect to the Internet and each other is their control protocol; if IoT devices are people, think of the protocol as their common languages.

  • Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is by far the most common control protocol; it means that your IoT device will use the regular Internet provided by your Internet Service Provider. While this doesn’t require an additional hub, note that it can slow your web surfing speeds down.
  • Bluetooth: Finally, Bluetooth is another mesh technology that lets people control and monitor IoT devices and automate systems.

Benefits of Home Automation

Like anything in life, home automation has its pros and cons. Overall, we think it’s more than worthwhile, but it may not be for everyone, depending on your personal preferences.

  • Remote access: Being able to control devices remotely means things like unlocking the door for a plant sitter without having to leave a key under the mat.
  • Safety: Finally, there are many smart security products that can increase your home’s safety, like sensors for doors and windows, security cameras that can detect people, and video doorbells that let you greet whoever’s knocking from anywhere with Internet.
  • Energy efficiency: With home automation, you can set things like thermostats on schedules to make sure you’re not wasting energy. for example. That means that over time, these smart thermostats can actually pay for themselves in savings.
  • Convenience: Being able to control devices remotely or via voice commands, set them on schedules, and even sync them with the sunrise and sunset is nothing is not convenient. Example, in the morning to freshly made toast without you having to push a button!
  • Comfort: You know when you’re all comfy in bed but realize you’ve left the bathroom light on? With smart light bulbs, you can turn them off from the comfort of your bed without having to leave that place.

A smart home is any home that includes automated, Internet of Things devices connected to mobile applications. Using these IoT devices, users can control many things in their home from lights to security systems to appliances. Increasingly, more and more homes are built with automation from the original construction, but technically, any home with an internet connection and IoT devices counts as a smart home.

Internet of Things Devices

While we can’t list all of the IoT devices available, as that list is ever-growing, here are some of the most popular:

  • Locks: Smart locks definitely upped our home’s security. They locked automatically as soon as we exited the home, but if we needed to let someone in when we weren’t home, we could either unlock them through the app or give our guests a temporary passcode, certainly safer than leaving a key under the welcome mat. Explore your options in our picks for the best smart locks.
  • Thermostats: Smart thermostats let us adjust our home’s temperature remotely as well as set it onto schedules, saving our money on heating and cooling.
  • Lights: Smart lights are one of the more affordable IoT devices out there, and they make adjusting your lighting more convenient and customizable than ever before. With most smart bulbs, dim them, we could change their color, set them onto schedules, or blink to the beat of our music.
  • Video doorbells: Video doorbells are essentially outdoor cameras that may or may not be hardwired into your existing doorbell setup, if you have one. We got notified whenever the doorbell was pressed or the camera detected motion or a person, depending on its artificial intelligence capabilities.
  • Security cameras: Security cameras let you see what’s going on at home from a mobile application; you’ll also be notified of motion or people, again, depending on the camera’s AI.
  • TVs and remotes: Google, turn the volume up 10 percent! In our home, we use smart TVs like Apple TV, Fire TV and Chrome cast, which is either built into smart TVs or plugs into a TV’s USB port.
  • Speakers: Smart speakers are often the basis for a smart home ecosystem, allowing for voice commands through the voice assistants.
  • Medical care: If you have a senior in your life you’d like to care for and monitor remotely, there are a number of Wi-Fi-connected medical alert systems available, many of which include detection for falls.
  • Displays: Smart displays work the exact same way as smart speakers, with voice assistants built-in; the major difference is that they have screens and often cameras, allowing for more entertainment and video chatting options. Smart displays tend to cost a lot more than smart speakers, so if you’re on a budget, we’d recommend going with a smart speaker over a smart display.
  • Other IoT products: We’ve seen everything from Alexa-enabled microwaves to smart plugs, scales, smoke detectors and CO detectors. While our site focuses on smart home security like cameras and systems, home automation goes much further, with IoT devices in a number of different categories. Plus, you can turn off your smoke alarm from your phone, which is incredibly convenient.

Office Automation

Modern office automation software is very powerful. Skilled users can develop very sophisticated products. For example, an electoral authority could use office automation for:

  • Capturing and analyzing election results data
  • Storing and manipulating employee records
  • Automating large scale personalized mail-outs to clients and staff
  • Keeping inventories
  • Maintaining a corporate web site and an internal intranet
  • Producing all or most of its publications in-house, including books, brochures, forms and newsletters
  • Composing, editing and printing all correspondence in a standard corporate style, incorporating automatic printing of logos and corporate livery
  • Developing computer-generated presentations for projection on overhead screens for seminars and training purposes
  • Entering, storing and using electoral roll data
  • Automating various parts of the election process, such as issuing and receiving postal votes
  • Planning and monitoring all aspects of a major project
  • Organizing a financial management system
  • Sending individual and grouped electronic mail to internal staff and external clients
  • Sharing files across a network

Applying Standards to File Names and File Structures

As the use of office automation software expands, the need to apply standards becomes more and more important. Where many users are sharing systems and files, it is important to ensure that files are stored in logical locations using a standard set of file naming conventions.

Computer files are generally stored in folders. Folders can be 'nested' in other folders so that subsets of files dealing with specific subjects can be located in folders within other folders dealing with a broader subject. For example, a folder called 'Finance' could include within it folders for the previous financial year, the current financial year and the next financial year. Each of those financial year folders could be further broken down into folders called 'Administration costs' and 'Staff costs'.

Folders should be set up in a logical manner familiar to all users. In order to maintain logical consistency, it may be desirable to limit rights to create folders to systems administrators.

Upgrading Office Automation Software

Off-the-shelf office automation software is regularly upgraded. Upgrades typically are released every 2-3 years for most popular products. Upgrades generally provide more powerful versions of existing features, provide some new features, and fix known problems in previous versions of the software.

If an administration's current software suite is performing acceptably, there may not be any compelling reason to upgrade it as soon as an upgrade becomes available. Unfortunately there will be pressure on an administration to upgrade its software as clients and other organisations it deals with move to the upgraded version. While upgraded software is often 'backwards compatible', meaning that the new version can read files created under the old version, it is often the case that the old software cannot read files created using the new software. When this becomes a significant problem, it is time to upgrade.

While in some cases it may be desirable to delay upgrading, in other cases, the new features presented by an upgrade may make the expense of an upgrade worthwhile.

What is an office automation system?

The system consists of both hardware and software solutions that enable the transfer of data between systems absent human contributions or interventions. Office automation eases organizational workloads by simplifying and automating processes like accounting, data management, training, facility management, and various administrative tasks.It is a powerful tool that can be used to eliminate manual processes, identify inefficient workflows, and facilitate informed decision-making.

Benefits of an Office Automation System

Implementing an office automation system offers organizations a broad range of benefits. These benefits include:

  • Improved accuracy
  • Reduced costs
  • Reduced time and resources
  • Data storage and management
  • Data insights and more informed decisions
  • Business process improvement

Business process improvement

Humans make errors; properly implemented automated systems do not. Human errors are not only inefficient in that they must be corrected and lead to productivity delays, but they can be costly. For instance, adding too many digits when paying an employee or vendor. Serious mistakes can lead to security and compliance issues, potentially fines and penalties.  An office automation system limits human intervention in the transfer of data, which minimizes the occurrence of errors.

Reduced costs

By automating complex business processes, organizations don’t need to invest as much into hiring for those tasks. As a result, operational costs are lower, while productivity and profit margins are significantly higher.

Reduced time and resources

Through automation, organizations can accomplish more with less. By eliminating tedious and time-consuming processes, employees can spend their time on more high value tasks.

Data storage and management

Office automation systems simplify data storage while giving organizations the ability to monitor and control data through an electronic document management system. Common features include things like task management and reminder systems, as well as easy access to information by key stakeholders.

Data insights and more informed decisions

Office automation systems give organizations access to large data sets, reports, and analytics. Access to data enables more informed decisions. Moreover, by analyzing data and key performance indicators, organizations can implement improvements to their processes to remove bottlenecks and other inefficiencies.

Through business process improvement, organizations optimize performance, improve the quality of their products or services, and ensure a higher level of compliance. The ability to improve business processes is what separates office automation systems from automation technology.

How to implement an office automation system

The benefits of an office automation system are easy enough to understand and appreciate. Just about every organization in the world would welcome improved accuracy, greater efficiency, and higher profit margins. Many organizations do not make the jump to an office automation system because the process seems overwhelming. However, implementation is both manageable and achievable.

Deciding what to automate

The organization will need to spend time looking at which specific processes will need to be automated, before implementing an office automation system. Begin by looking at existing workflows to gain an understanding of the processes and resources involved. Mapping is the easiest process to go about examining your workflows.

Business process mapping involves creating a visual representation of work processes to define what an organization does, how it does it, and who is responsible for each task. Many processes within an organization are undocumented. By creating visual depictions, stakeholders can identify bottlenecks in workflows. Creating a process map is simple with the drag and drop process modeler features of industry leading business process management software.

Key features of an office automation system

There are countless applications and software programs that promise improved efficiency through automation. Achieving organizational efficiency through an office automation system requires more than downloading apps.

Process modelling and workflow design

A merit of an office automation system is the ability to design and improve workflows. The solution that you choose should give you the ability to create detailed workflows in a matter of nano seconds. Leading solutions offer an intuitive design and include features like a drag and drop process model.

Mobile compatibility

In the age of the stay-at-home economy and the COVID-19 pandemic, mobility is more important than ever. Employees must be able to perform their functions from anywhere & everywhere. A cloud-based solution is always secure and always accessible.


One of the biggest challenges that organizations face when attempting to automate their processes is integrating various third-party software or apps. Your office automation system should work seamlessly with your other tools like email marketing and your CRM system.

Managing tasks and deadlines

Task management is an important feature of office automation solutions. For processes to run smoothly, employees must know what to do and when to do it. Your office automation system should allow you to create and view pending tasks and deadlines, as well as redistribute tasks and reminders as needed.

Access control and security

To protect the security of your systems, you need to be able to set access privileges throughout the organization. Cloud- based solutions also offer advanced security features to protect data from being compromised.


An important feature of any automation system is the ability to communicate. Stakeholders should have all the information they need to perform each task, as well as the ability to reach out to others for further assistance. Your office automation system should offer features like a form builder. Form builders can be used to capture data, display data from other systems, and even design approval screens for managers to make decisions.

Why is Office Automation Important?

Even if you don’t realize it, automation is a key part of your daily life. Every time you open your garage with the push of a button or set your alarm clock, you’re benefitting from the numerous conveniences afforded by automated technology. It only makes sense to use the same types of computerized tools in the workplace. The use of computer systems to execute a variety of office operations, such as word processing, e-mail and accounting.” Streamlining and optimizing these functions can help workplaces run more effectively and efficiently. Computers, printers, wireless networks can help optimize your operations.

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